go slowly

@ main

'In Rainbows' CD2
» 2006-5-13 Blackpool (впервые)
» live 2006

» live 2006

новый материал, над которым группа работала во время сессий 7LP. дебютировала в турне-2006 на концерте в Копенгагене.

в календаре на 2006 год, нарисованном Стенли Донвудом, из песни процитирован следующий кусок: 'she lokks back and you look back. not just once. and not just twice', и на rh.com в записных книжках еще один: 'words are blunt instruments'.

At the charlotte show, thom introduced this song by saying "this song is about that feeling you get after you've just got laid", for which ed gave him a look like "you cant say that" and thom said "what? its true"

@ main

oh, over here
come slowly
come slowly to me

i've been waiting

i didn't get it
but now I can see

that there's a way out
that there's a way out

that there's a way out
that there's a way out
there's a way out




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