shipwreck/modeselector feat. thom yorke

@ main

сентябрь 2011
'Monkeytown' LP + сингл
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длинная (свыше 6 минут!) краут+идм-баллада, украшенная фирменным ёрковским фальцетом.
совместная работа начиналась как онлайн-обмен файлами, а завершилась двухдневной сессией в Берлинской студии.

@ main

You asked, We chose
You asked, We chose
You asked, We chose
You asked, We chose
we chose, we chose, we chose
we chose, we chose, we chose
we chose, we chose, we chose

From the back of the arm she comes
The back of the arm she comes
You flat fall, you blank yourself
You flat fall to blank yourself
So let's have a (???)
You flat fall, you blank yourself
You laugh, slap on your face
And she laughs, slap on the cake
And laugh, slap on your face
And they laugh slap on your face
And they laugh, slap on, slip on the tracks


Death dances, comes to you,
Just whatchya going to do?
Ship lost in giant pools, death dances up to
Down into....
Love and drawn into the void
Double trouble to the void
Love and drawn into the void
Drop a rhythm on the decks
Drunken rhythm on the decks
For the chance of a kiss

Ship ship ship

Oh shit, but I'm sinking
That's not meant to happen
Flies will be your presents
Truly, truly something
Won't death be around me?
Won't death be around?
That's not meant to happen,
Truly, truly something
Close up for the winter
Close up for the winter
Caught hook, line and sinker
Close up for the winter

Ship ship ship ship wreck
Sick, sick, wretch.

You asked, we chose
You asked, we chose



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