tinker tailor soldier sailor
rich man poor man beggar man thief

@ main

'Moon-shaped pool'
» студийная
» 2016-5-20 Amsterdam (debut)

студийная версия записана для девятого альбома группы, ранее нигде не упоминалась.

странное для англонеговорящих название песни старинный детский стишок, почитать подробнее о нем и его версиях можно на вики.

@ main

all the holes at once are coming alive,
set free
out of sight and out of mind, lonely
and they pray

the ones you light your fires to keep away
crawling out upon, expending
and all you have to do is say yeah

all the birds stay up in the trees
all the fish swim down too deep
and they pray
honey, come to me before it's too late

the ones you light your fires to keep away
i s crawling out upon, expelling
and all you have to do is say yeah

~ ~ ~


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